Unit 7 – Part 1



Quizlet (external link)



♪ 3-17 MODEL SENTENCES (p.94)

What did you have for breakfast this morning?
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Kesa, asagohan ni nani o tabemashita ka?
I had toast and coffee.
I had toast and coffee.
Toosuto o tabete koohii o nomimashita.
I didn’t eat anything.
I didn’t eat anything.
Nani mo tabemasen deshita.
「 I didn’t eat anything. 」のように、否定文で答えたときには、ぶっきらぼうにならないよう、理由なども付け加えることが大切です。例えば次のような表現を使って、その理由を伝えてみましょう。 I didn’t eat anything.
Remember that after giving a negative answer, it’s important to say something in order to avoid coming across as rude. Here you could say, for example, why you didn’t eat anything:
  • I wasn’t hungry. (お腹がすいていなかったんです。)
  • I didn’t have time.(時間がなかったんです。)
  • I was too busy.(忙し過ぎたんです。)
  • I wasn’t hungry.
  • I didn’t have time.
  • I was too busy.

♪ 3-18 MODEL SENTENCES (p.95)

Do you normally have that?
Do you normally have that?
Futsuu, sore o tabemasu ka?
Yes, always.
Yes, always.
Hai, itsumo desu.
Yes, usually, but sometimes I have a bento.
Yes, usually, but sometimes I have a bento.
Hai, fudan wa sou desu ga, tokidoki wa bento o tabemasu.
No, I sometimes have a Japanese breakfast.
No, I sometimes have a Japanese breakfast.
Iie, tokidoki washoku no asagohan o tabemasu.
It depends.
It depends.
Hi ni yorimasu.
「It depends.」 を使って答えるときは、それがどのような状況に左右されるのかについても必ず付け加えるようにしましょう。例えば、次のようになります。 It depends.
If you give this answer, be sure to say what your opinion depends on. For example:
  • It depends on whether I have enough time.(時間があるかどうかによります。)
  • Sometimes I have leftovers. (残り物を食べるときもあります。)
  • It depends on whether I have enough time.
  • Sometimes I have leftovers.

♪ 3-19 SOUNDING NATURAL NOTE: Introducing new interesting topics with “Do you ever ◯◯ ?” (p.96)

Sounding Natural Note: Introducing new interesting topics with “Do you ever ◯◯ ?” Sounding Natural Note: Introducing new interesting topics with “Do you ever ◯◯ ?”
食べ物について話すときにも、いろいろな会話の進め方が考えられます。ここでは、シンプルな「Do you ever ◯◯?」という質問文を使って、気になっている話題を出す練習をしてみましょう。相手に少し普通とは違ったことを聞いてみたいときに最適の質問です。例えば、朝にピザを食べるか、外食するか、朝食を抜くかなどといったことを聞きたいときにはぴったりです。これは「疑問詞を使わない疑問文」なので、「Yes, all the time」、「Yes, sometimes」、「No, never」などの短い答えになりがちですが、できるだけもう少し詳しいコメントを付け加えるようにしましょう。その方がより自然です。
また、「Do you ever ◯◯?」で質問した後には、「フォローアップの質問」もするようにしましょう。食べることについて話すときの流れの例が下にありますので、確認してください。他にどのような「フォローアップの質問」を思い付きましたか?
When talking about food, there are a number of possible avenues for the conversation to follow. A simple and easy way to introduce new interesting topics is using “Do you ever ◯◯?” This question is great for transitioning smoothly to new interesting topics that are a bit out of the norm and not so typical, such as eating pizza for breakfast, eating out, or skipping breakfast. Since this is a closed question, answers can be short, ranging from “Yes, all the time” to “Yes, sometimes” to “No, never”. To sound more natural in English, you’ll need to work on making an extra comment that provides more specific details.
After that, continue by asking simple follow-up questions. Take a look below for some ideas on how your conversations about eating could flow. What additional follow-up questions can you come up with?